Here's how to manually install Broadband Optimizer:
• While logged in under an admin account, Open the Library folder at the root level of your startup disk
• If there's no folder named StartupItems inside, move the StartupItems folder inside the Manual Installation folder into /Library.
• If there IS a StartupItems folder inside /Library, open the StartupItems folder in the Manual Installation folder and move the entire BroadbandOptimizer folder inside of it into the StartupItems folder inside /Library (/Library/StartupItems/). Do NOT replace /Library/StartupItems with the StartupItems from this package, as you may be overwriting other services that already live in that location.
• Restart
If you get a message saying you don't have enough privileges, run Disk Utility's repair permissions function on your startup volume, then make sure you're logged in with admin privileges and try again.
Or you can fix the permissions on /Library to allow group admin write access. The permissions should look like drwxrwxr-x. Some installers seem to modify the permissions on this folder incorrectly. You want to chmod 775 /Library.